U.S. Out! A Teach-in Call/Webinar on the U.S. Military Pivot to the Asia Pacific and the Trans Pacific Partnership

Thank you to all 300+ people from six countries and 23 US states who participated in the teach-in! A recording of the webinar portion of the event can be accessed here: http://www.anymeeting.com/BAYANUSA/EF53DD828247. Please forward the link to others who may be interested in the issues of the military pivot and the TPPA.Saturday, March 1, 2014 3-6 PM Pacific | 5-8 PM Central | 6-9 PM EasternFeatured speakers: Renato Reyes Jr., BAYAN Philippines Hyun Lee, NodutdolMasao Suzuki, Freedom Road Socialist Organizationdåko'ta alcantara-camacho,Our Islands Are Sacred & ARKiology A live, real-time webinar with international speakers providing critical analysis of the Pivot and the TPPA from the viewpoint of people’s movements resisting the expansion of U.S. militarization and imperialism. Presentations followed by Q&A, brainstorming and planning for local, grassroots actions to oppose the military pivot and the TPPA, as well as ways to support organizing happening in countries in the Asia Pacific region.To participate:Online via webinar: Register at http://www.anymeeting.com/PIID=EA52D680884E3E. Participants must register to receive an individual-specific log-in link and password.In-person: view webinar and participate in discussions at local teach-in sites hosted by BAYAN-USA. Locations:o Long Beach (Southern California)

Long Beach Coalition Office
920 Atlantic Ave.
Long Beach, CA 90813

New YorkYa-Ya Network224 West 29th Street14th floorNew York, NYclosest train: 1 to 28th St or C/E to 23rd St.o PortlandBuckley Center205 at University of Portland5000 N Williamette BlvdPortland, OR 97203o Stanford, Palo AltoPilipino Youth Leadership ConferenceRoom 220 @ Old Union Stanford520 Lasuen MallStanford, CA 94305o San FranciscoSEIU Local 1021350 Rhode Island St.San Francisco, CA 94103o SeattleWAPI Community Services3722 S Hudson St.Seattle, WA 98118Sponsored by BAYAN-USA, an alliance of 18 progressive Filipino organizations in the U.S. representing youth, students, women, workers, artists, and human rights advocates. As the oldest and largest overseas chapter of Bagong Alyansang Makabayan (BAYAN-Philippines), BAYAN-USA serves as an information bureau for the national democratic movement of the Philippines and as a center for educating, organizing, and mobilizing anti-imperialist Filipinos in the U.S.Endorsers (partial list): Civilian-Soldier Alliance, Flush the TPP, International League of Peoples’ Struggle, Iraq Veterans Against War, Katarungan Center for Peace Justice and Human Rights in the Philippines, National Students for Justice in Palestine Steering Committee, Occupy Long Beach, Oregon Fair Trade Campaign, Portland Committee for Human Rights in the Philippines, Portland State University Kaibigan, popularresistance.org, Nodutdol for Korean Community Development, SOA Watch, TradeJustice New York Metro, United National Anti-War Coalition, University of Portland FASA, Women for Genuine SecurityIf your organization would like to endorse this event, please email vc@bayanusa.org.http://www.peoplepowermedia.net/portfolio-post/will-the-us-militarys-asia-pivot-escalate-human-rights-violations/


Return of US Military Bases to the Philippines Violates Sovereignty, Reaps No Benefits for Filipinos


From 1899’s Filipino-American War to 2014’s US Military Pivot and Trans Pacific Partnership: Filipinos Continue Fighting US Imperialism with “US Out! Teach-In”