Join Week of Actions for Justice for Melissa! 5 years later-no justice!


Demand Justice for Melissa Roxas!

Join the Week of Action May 19-25, 2014

May 19, 2014 marks the fifth anniversary of the abduction and disappearance of Melissa Roxas, who was abducted on May 19 and surfaced on May 25, 2009 after international outcry.  Melissa’s case made headlines as the first case of such a human rights violation committed against a US citizen in the Philippines under President Obama’s term.  As one of the few survivors of abduction by the Armed Forces of the Philippines, Melissa courageously went public with her story, seeking justice not only for herself, but for all victims of human rights violations.  Melissa filed her case in the Philippine courts, testified in various venues, and fully cooperated with the investigation undertaken by the Commission on Human Rights.  Five years after her abduction, we are still fighting for justice for Melissa and all victims of human rights violations in the Philippines.This year alone, 21 cases of extrajudicial killings have occurred under the Aquino regime with the total rising now to 192 “unsolved” cases. Recent agreements between the US and Philippine governments has increased US military aid and military presence through the signing of Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement. We know there will be an increase in human rights violations across the board. In 2007, the year that followed the most extra-judicial killings in one year with a total of 220 victims along with international outcry and the UN report on extrajudicial killings in the Philippines, the United States restricted $2 million of the $33 million dollars in US aid to apply pressure on the government of the Philippines to actively investigate and prosecute these cases; it was raised to $3 million restricted in 2010 due to the lack of response from the government.  We must continue to apply pressure on both the U.S. and Philippine governments to uphold these stipulations. The Philippine government has yet to prosecute the perpetrators of numerous extra-judicial killings and enforced disappearances and the U.S. contributes a hefty amount of military aid to the Philippines despite this.On April 16, 2013, the Supreme Court of the Philippines issued a resolution on Melissa’s case, which orders the Philippine authorities to “continue and undertake a deeper probe and investigation of the incidents with the end in view of identifying the perpetrators of the complained abduction and abuses and of the eventual filing of cases for said resultant crimes.” In the preceding month, the Philippines Court of Appeals declared that activist-agriculturalist Jonas Burgos was abducted by the Armed Forces of the Philippines.  However, despite overwhelming evidence that Melissa, Jonas and so many others have been abducted and tortured by the Armed Forces of the Philippines, to this day none of the perpetrators have been apprehended or prosecuted.

As always, the only hope lies in the perseverance of the mass movement to continue demanding justice and organizing for change.

Since 2009, BAYAN-USA has held demonstrations the week of Melissa’s abduction and release, and made the “Justice for Melissa” demand a standard call at all BAYAN-USA’s actions dealing with human rights, the Visiting Forces Agreement, war and militarization.Take action now to demand justice for Melissa and all victims of human rights violations. Join us in the following actions, as we count down each day that Melissa was disappeared, building up the momentum of her case into the public sphere.  Join Actions and Events in your local areas:Portland, ORMay 20th teach-in @ 5:30pmPortland State UniversityMulticultural Center  SMSU 228Contact: portlandchrp@gmail.comSeattle, WAMay 21, Educational Discussion at 7pmUniversity of Washington, Ethnic Cultural CenterContact: anakbayan.seattle@gmail.comSaturday, May 24, 11:30amGABRIELA Seattle and Rogue Pinay Perform at Folk Life FestivalSeattle Center Los Angeles, CAMay 23rd Event @ 7pmJustice for Melissa Cultural Solidarity NightEcho Park United Methodist Church1226 N. Alvarado Street, Los Angeles, CA 90026New York, NYMay 26th Action @ 2pmProtest Action in Union Square14th street and broadwayContact: Day 1-May 19:

Day 2-May 20:

  • Post a song/music video, poem or visual art in honor people who have disappeared, and spread it wide such as “Desaparecidos” by Diskarte Namin.
  • Share widely SF CHRP’s Human Right’s Shadow Puppet youtube- make it go viral!
  • Make Justice for Melissa graphic your Facebook profile pic and update your status with: “Melissa was disappeared against her will and tortured today-May 20, 2009” #5YearsNoJustice #Justice4Melissa

 Day 3-May 21:

  • Post of photo or video montage of yourself and members of your organization or friends holding a sign “Justice for Melissa Roxas.”
  • Spread Melissa’s story: “I Am Melissa Roxas” video
  • Make Justice for Melissa graphic your Facebook profile pic and update your status with: “Melissa was disappeared against her will and tortured today-May 21, 2009” #5YearsNoJustice #Justice4Melissa

 Day 4-May 22:

  • Record and post a video message of solidarity to Melissa and all victims of human rights violations.
  • Share Melissa’s Open Letter video
  • Make Justice for Melissa graphic your Facebook profile pic and update your status with “Melissa was disappeared against her will and tortured today-May 22, 2009” #5YearsNoJustice #Justice4Melissa

 Day 5-May 23:

  • Post a song/music video, poem or visual art in honor of people who have been tortured.
  • Spread widely the song “Justice4Melissa” by Anakbayan LA
  • Make Justice for Melissa graphic your Facebook profile pic and update your status with: “Melissa was disappeared against her will and tortured today-May 23, 2009” #5YearsNoJustice #Justice4Melissa

 Day 6-May 24:

  • Record and post a video message calling on President Obama to push for a genuine investigation into Melissa’s abduction and torture and demand that the Philippines punish the perpetrators.
  • Keep sharing Melissa’s Open Letter video
  • Make Justice for Melissa graphic your Facebook profile pic and update your status with “Melissa was disappeared against her will and tortured today-May 24, 2009”#5YearsNoJustice #Justice4Melissa

 Day 7-May 25:

  • Record and post a video message calling on President Aquino to ensure that Philippine authorities comply with the Supreme Court resolution ordering them to pursue the investigation of Melissa’s case and to end Oplan Bayanihan.
  • Make Justice for Melissa graphic your Facebook profile pic and update your status with “Melissa was surfaced today but justice is still missing-May 25, 2009” #5YearsNoJustice #Justice4Melissa
  • Make a donation to BAYAN-USA, so we can continue the campaign for Justice for Melissa and all victims of human rights



Justice Delayed is Justice Denied for Melissa Roxas & Others


Tune in: BAYAN USA on the Radio