Happy International Human Rights Day! Celebrate by downloading Diskarte Namin’s new album, proceeds benefit BAYAN USA and its campaigns for human rights in the Philippines

Do you know how freedom sounds?

Find out by getting the latest album from San Francisco band Diskarte Namin. The album Kultural Guerrillas is a mix of reggae, rock, folk and soul accented with Philippine indigenous instruments and driven by lyrics about love and liberation. And it’s not just lip service - every album bought online will help support the struggle for human rights and self-determination in the Philippines.All proceeds from album sales go to BAYAN USA, a national alliance of progressive Filipino groups representing organizations of students, scholars, women, workers, artists, and youth.By downloading the online album, you’ll be donating $10 to BAYAN USA’s human rights work:- The Justice for Melissa Roxas campaign to obtain justice and accountability for the abduction and torture of Melissa Roxas and all victims of human rights violations perpetrated by state forces of the Philippines- The International Conference on Human Rights in the Philippines, to be held in July 2013.  This conference will bring together more Filipino survivors of human rights abuses, families of victims, and human rights advocates from around the globe to develop a shared analysis of the causes of the human rights crisis and to develop action plans to address the problem.- Manilakbayan - Bringing Mindanao Peoples’ Voices from the Margins to the Center, a week-long mobilization convened by Mindanao’s “Anawim” or “the unprotected” indigenous Lumads, Moro, small farmers and workers.  The mobilization will include actions to defend land, environment and human rights in the face of destructive large-scale mining and mining-related killings by state forces.Buy your album today HERE!Be part of the movement for international human rights!Support movement music and Filipino community organizing!Spread the word to fellow music lovers and justice seekers!


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