Global Anti-Imperialist Movement Convenes US Chapter in Chicago vs. NATO Summit

News ReleaseMay 11, 2012References:Bernadette Ellorin, ILPS-US Chapter Organizing Committee, 347-244-8953Valerie Francisco, ILPS-US Chapter Organizing Committee, 925-726-5768Global Anti-Imperialist Movement Convenes US Chapter in Chicago vs. NATO SummitAs thousands are expected to descend upon Chicago this May to protest the upcoming NATO Summit, the global formation known as the International League of Peoples Struggle (ILPS), with over 350 member organizations from over 40 countries, will convene a US Country Chapter in the midst of this protest. The founding assembly of the US Chapter of the ILPS (ILPS-US) will take place on Saturday, May 19th, 1-5:30 pm at Centro Autonomo located at 3460 West Lawrence Avenue in the Albany Park neighborhood of Chicago. The said assembly will be followed by Road to Resistance: Art + Culture + Solidarity vs. NATO, a cultural show (8-11pm) at the same location.Founded in the Netherlands in 2001, the ILPS is a global alliance of organizations, groups, and individuals from around the world actively engaged in peoples struggles along democratic, progressive, pro-people, and anti-imperialist lines. Since its founding, the ILPS has grown into one of the largest global alliances that actively serve as a campaign coordinating and cooperation center against US imperialist war, aggression, and intervention, with membership spanning across 6 continents.Bill Doares, a member of the International Coordinating Committee says, “May 19, the birthdate of people's leaders Malcolm X and Ho Chi Minh, will see their legacy of anti-imperialism continue through the founding assembly of the US Country Chapter of the International League of Peoples Struggle.”The decision to hold the US Chapter Founding Assembly in Chicago was made in order to mobilize ILPS member organizations in the US to participate in the major protest demonstration against the NATO Summit taking place on Sunday, May 20th. ILPS is a convener of the Coalition Against NATO & G8 War and Poverty Agenda (CANG8). CANG8 is the main organizer of Sunday's protest action in downtown Chicago."We must join hands and raise fists with people all over the world who are fighting against imperialism. Wall Street gets its wealth and power by plundering people all over the world. Our peoples’ power depends on international solidarity, linking and raising our struggles to fight imperialism, the common enemy of the global 99%. That's why it's so important we are launching a US Country Chapter of the League at this time," said Kuusela Hilo of Los Angeles, a member of ILPS' International Coordinating Committee.The League is united by 17 concerns, including fighting war, racism, the rights of workers, women, indigenous people, migrants, farmers, LGBT people, youth, housing, education, medical care and the environment. It's Fourth International Assembly last July in Manila drew 50 delegates and observers from the United States.The Chairperson of the ILPS is Prof. Jose Maria Sison, 73, a hero of the people's struggle in the Philippines. Prof. Sison, recognized political refugee in the Netherlands and founding chair of the Communist Party of the Philippines and chief political consultant of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines, was former political prisoner and torture survivor under the US-Marcos dictatorship before his release in 1986.The founding assembly of the US Chapter of the ILPS (ILPS-US) will take place on Saturday, May 19th, 1-5:30 pm at Centro Autonomo located at 3460 West Lawrence Avenue in the Albany Park neighborhood of Chicago. The said assembly will be followed by a cultural night, 8-11pm at the same location. For more information about the ILPS or the ILPS-US assembly in Chicago on May 19th, please send an email to the chapter organizing committee at ###


